Hawk Law Group | March 11, 2022 | Car Accidents

One of the most common car accidents in Georgia is the rear-end collision. You might believe that the rear driver always causes a rear-end collision. But some rear-end collisions result from negligence by the front driver.
Here are some facts about why rear-end collisions happen in Evans, GA, and who bears the blame.
Rear-End Collisions in Evans, GA
Columbia County, home to Evans, GA, had 2,363 car accidents in 2020, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). Hundreds of these involved a rear-end collision.
While rear-end collisions comprise the most common type of collision, they rarely cause fatalities. Instead, most people involved in rear-end collisions suffer an injury to the head, neck, or back.
In a rear-end collision, a rear vehicle hits the back of a front vehicle. In the front vehicle, the occupants whip back into their seats, then forward into their seat belts. In the rear vehicle, the occupants whip forward into their seat belts, then back into their seats.
In both cases, the whipping motion can hyperextend the spine. As the cars come to a stop, the spine compresses. This hyperextension and compression can fracture vertebrae, crush discs, and strain muscles in the neck and back.
Additionally, the whipping motion can cause the brain to slosh inside the skull. This sloshing creates pressure on the brain that can lead to a concussion.
Causes of Rear-End Collisions in Evans, GA
Georgia does not provide statistics on every cause of rear-end collisions. Instead, it provides statistics on a few causes that deserve focus from law enforcement agencies and policymakers.
Common causes of rear-end collisions include:
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is the most common cause of rear-end collisions in Georgia. Driver distraction increases braking distance. A distracted driver might not notice the brake lights of the front car. By the time the distracted driver can react, the collision might have already happened.
Following Too Closely
You may expect tailgating to cause many of the rear-end collisions in Evans. This dangerous behavior is usually only a secondary cause of rear-end collisions. But when combined with speeding, aggressive driving, and distracted driving, tailgating can lead to a rear-end collision.
Speeding is a factor in many rear-end collisions in Evans and the rest of the county. Speeding includes traveling faster than the speed limit and traveling too fast for conditions. In the accidents where speed was a factor, slick roads usually contributed to the rear-end collision.
Improper Lane Change
Improper lane changes are another common cause of rear-end collisions in Evans and other Columbia County communities. Improperly changing lanes usually means that the front driver cut off the rear driver and left too little room for the rear driver to stop safely.
Aggressive Driving
Often, rear-end collisions in Evans and the surrounding county resulted from aggressive driving. Aggressive driving can include both tailgating and cutting off another vehicle.
Impaired Driving
Drugs or alcohol can also played a role in rear-end collisions in Evans and elsewhere in Columbia County. Drugs and alcohol can impair a driver’s reflexes and judgment. As a result, the driver may misjudge distance or speed or react too slowly when braking.
Who’s to Blame for Rear-End Collisions?
The at-fault driver is responsible for damages sustained in a crash. Most often, the rear driver is to blame for a rear-end collision. The rear driver must keep a safe distance from the front car. Whether the rear driver is impaired, distracted, or traveling too fast for conditions, no collision should happen if the rear driver trails by a safe distance.
However, there are instances where the front driver may be held entirely or partially responsible for the crash. For example, if the front driver cuts off the rear driver, the front driver may bear the blame for the collision. While this does not happen often, the front driver can bear the responsibility for rear-end collisions.
If you’ve been injured in a rear-end collision, contact a personal injury attorney to discuss your options and determine if you’re entitled to compensation.
Contact the Car Accident Lawyers In the Central Savannah River Area at Hawk Law Group for Legal Assistance Today
For more information, please contact the car accident lawyers at Hawk Law Group at our nearest location to schedule a free consultation today.
We serve throughout the Central Savannah River Area and its surrounding areas:
Hawk Law Group – Augusta, GA
338 Telfair St, Augusta, GA 30901, United States
(706) 722-3500
Hawk Law Group – Evans, GA
4384 River Watch Pkwy, Evans, GA 30809, United States
(706) 863-6500
Hawk Law Group – Thomson, GA
146 Railroad St A, Thomson, GA 30824, United States
(706) 361-0350
Hawk Law Group – Waynesboro, GA
827 Liberty St, Waynesboro, GA 30830, United States
(706) 437-9122
Hawk Law Group – Aiken County, SC
156 Laurens St NW, Aiken, SC 29801, United States
(803) 226-9089
We also serve in Edgefield County, SC.